Regulação versus eficiência
Policiamento preditivo, algoritmo, Inteligência Artificial, atividade criminalAbstract
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has become increasingly present in society in its various areas. This is because the high rates of violent crime, especially of a property nature, throughout most of Brazil have demanded the urgent adoption of algorithms and predictive policing system once the data obtained constitutes a huge database capable of facilitating crime prevention by the police force. However, despite this possible advance, its adoption has proved to be highly subject to the discretionary public policies of executive governments, so that legislation regulating data protection and AI has dealt little with the use of this technology in criminal law, bringing enormous uncertainty as to the legitimacy of its application, beset by methodological flaws and data leaks. Thus, this article proposes a methodological analysis of the relationship between efficiency and the necessary regulation of the use of such technology, applying the discussion to two tools currently used in different states in Brazil and bringing a counterpoint with their stage of discussion in the international sphere, allowing us to conclude the diagnosis on the real lack of legitimacy of its technological use in Brazil.
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