This article has as its object of study Social Responsibility as a business management strategy, understanding it to be the driving force to cause socio-environmental impact to the external and internal community of business organizations. Social responsibility, being then a management model of the company, is defined by the company's ethical relationship, with all the publics with the resources it has and that the establishment of business goals develops as a sustainable development of society, preserving environmental and cultural for the proportions, diversity and reduction of social inequalities. The new role that the company assumes nowadays, alongside the State, is unquestionable. There are numerous issues to be debated in the face of paper, especially within the capitalist system, although the presence of the company in society causes great impacts. The management of the scenario of this complex, the focus of this research will be social responsibility as a business contribution to social development or will exclusively deal with the value of a proposal for aggregation of the company's business model, without effective actions for the public service . It is undeniable that such a social responsibility mentality can only be implemented by executive leaders with a systemic view and who understand such factors above, such as the company's social function.
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