STUDENT ASSISTANCE IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: an analysis of the socioeconomic and cultural profile of the beneficiary students of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI) - Central Teresina Campus
This text analyzes the socioeconomic profile of the beneficiaries of the Student Attendance Program in Social Vulnerability at IFPI Central Teresina Campus. It is worth the data of the socioeconomic form completed by the candidates to the Program when the enrollment. Frequency measures were used to analyze them. It was found that the beneficiaries are mainly students of technical education integrated to the high school, reside in peripheral neighborhoods of the urban area of the city, use mass transit as a means of locomotion to the IFPI, belong to the income family of 0 to 1 minimum salaries, do not work and receive financial support from the family and come from public schools.
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